39 | Increasing Lead Generation Efficiency in Your Real Estate Business

Season #1

Real estate agents need to be aware of the newest trends and methods to acquire and maintain leads. Effective lead generation starts with targeted campaigns and the use of platforms such as letters, emails and texts. When making contact, create a Tenant Buyer’s Package to provide potential sellers with specific information related to the value of their property. It is also important to track your leads and take notes and be persistent in following up with them. Things such as an MLS search, Homebot, and email campaigns are useful tools to transfer valuable information to potential buyers/sellers. Investing in a lead generation system can help to grow your business. During a training session, it was revealed that potential renters should be educated on the opportunities and realities of home ownership, so its important to develop scripts and payment plans based on credit, loan terms, and other factors. Communication should be done via multiple channels as well. Lastly, in order to engage leads, have patience, make an emotional connection, and follow up quickly. To remain interesting and attract more visitors to your page, vary your Facebook presence with both housing and non-housing related content, and use it to ask questions and encourage conversation with potential clients.