How to duplicate successful real estate agents game plans

Sep 03, 2023

Do you ever wonder, why real estate sales come easier to some people? 

Why it is that when you scroll and compare yourself to other agents, or you look around the office and compare your numbers to others, why can there be such a big difference in sales and income?

Why can you struggle to find consistency when others seem to get the listings like clockwork? 

You probably even found me and read my "How I Sold 120 Houses" article and wondered how to duplicate the results.

Recently I went to a training in LA with my high-performance coach. As I was taking notes I looked to my right and I noticed Grant taking notes as well. But in a different way. He was drawing pictures in addition to written form to better remember what was being taught. 

I looked to my left and Stef was writing notes but her headings seemed to differ from mine. 

Then as I flew home I reviewed my notes on the plane and I was amazed at the information I had captured ie. what stood out to my brain. 

And that's when it hit me. 

The speaker was a neutral circumstance. He spoke the same words to every person in the audience. 

The key factor of differentiation was our EXPERIENCE.

We are not meant to experience life exactly the same as the other person. Yet we get frustrated when we look at success through someone else's experience and get caught up in WISHING we had the same EXPERIENCE. 

We are meant to learn from others' experiences, however, we are not meant to duplicate them. 

You are meant to EXPERIENCE your life and business YOUR OWN WAY. 

When deep down you realize what this means, you will no longer compare yourself to others and dwell in wishing your experience was different. You will realize the POWER you hold in GENERATING the ENERGY to EXPERIENCE your life the way you desire.

What does this mean? It means if you aren't loving your current experience you are the one that holds all the power to change it. If you need help changing your experience to generate something you love then come to Ask A Coach and get coached!

 Right now you can listen and learn from others' experiences on the latest podcast episode of Ask A Coach where I coached 3 different agents on individual questions that all revolved around  What effective systems and processes should I use in my real estate business?

Listen on Apple Podcasts HERE
Listen on Spotify HERE
Listen on Google HERE

Remember, listen, learn, take your own notes, and decide what you want to implement and change in your own business. Generate your own experience. 

Wishing you all the best this week. ❤️ Coach Lisa Binggeli

What's next?

#1 Join Ask a Coach for FREE on Thursday sign up here

#2  Are you a New Agent? Start and Grow your RE business in less time with Kickstart Business Growth

#3 Selling more than 12 units per year? Generate your own consistent leads and scale your business in the Academy Join before October 1st for lifetime access!



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