Ask A Coach | How do I get in the mindset to call a real estate lead?
Dec 03, 2023
Have you ever flown first class?
For all the years of my life boarding a plane I had a ritual. Every time I would board the plane I'd walk past the first class patrons (is that really their designation 😂) and I would literally look at each one of them while I was waiting for the line to the back of the plane to move forward slowly.
I'd watch them with their glass cups of water, delicious snacks (what?! they get service before the plane takes off?) and sometimes they were even working on their laptops (on important business activities of course because they sit in first class). Then I'd proceed to survey their clothing in awe and curiosity of how a first class person dressed. I was so curious about where they worked and how they earned first class seating in their life.
Okay, this all sounds a bit dramatic and crazy right? But really, I literally had such curiosity about first class.
Because I had never flown first class I was creating a story and a perception that said "only rich people fly first class". I actually felt pretty fancy if I upgraded to comfort plus to get some extra leg room.
And then last month I upgraded to first class for $89! What? First class was reachable for a 'normal' person like me, I felt so fancy. AND my perception was changed.
Because I had never experienced first class I had created a story about what I THOUGHT first class was based off of my limited experience.
Where are you creating a story that may not be true?
Do you decide not to make a sales call because you're worried you'll be bothering someone? Do you think it's been too long since you've followed up with a client so it will be 'weird' if you call now? How about that buyer who you think isn't ready because you haven't heard back from them?
Can you see where I'm going with this.
Creating stories to try and explain the unexplainable can keep you in a cycle that isn't helping you make progress.
If you want to make faster progress you need to look at all the POSSIBILITIES. Only then can you start to find solutions and take actions that are outside of your regular behavior cycle.
Listen in on last week's podcast episode of Ask A Coach where I coached on how to get in the right mindset to call a lead, how to sift through and follow up with 200 online leads, and more!
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If you need some help or if you're ready to see what coaching is all about then come to Ask A Coach this Thursday.~ here's your chance to get coached for free!
Life is meant to be enjoyed let's enjoy it more often, let me show you how.
❣️Coach Lisa Binggeli
PS. Text the word GROWTH to 208-449-0412 and I'll send you a coupon code for a special FREE training on lead sources plus weekly motivation and special personal training videos.
What's next?
#1 Join Ask a Coach Thursday for FREE sign up here
#2 Are you a New Agent? Start and Grow your RE business in less time with Kickstart Business Growth
#3 Selling more than 12 units per year? Generate your own consistent leads and scale your business in the Academy Join before November 1st for lifetime access!
#4 Take your Brokerage or Team to the next level! Streamline agent training & increase productivity & retention with Impact Brokerage Coaching.
Join us at the #1 real estate growth conference EQUIP Prepare for Purpose® April 15-17, 2024 at Join me for some one-on-one agent coaching where I coached on how to get in the right mindset to call a lead, how to sift through and follow up with 200 online leads, and more!